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ICANN Registration Data Request Service Pilot Program Enhancements

2024 年 05 月 14 日

Since the launch of the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) pilot program in November 2023, we have worked closely with the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Standing Committee to improve RDRS for ICANN-accredited registrars that have volunteered to participate in the system, as well as requestors that seek nonpublic registration data for generic top-level domains (gTLDs).

We have been gathering community feedback on RDRS since the service launched and continue to seek better ways to deliver system improvements in collaboration with the GNSO Standing Committee. Based on the collective feedback received, we made changes to how the metrics are reported and implemented enhancements to improve the functionality for both requestors and registrars. I have outlined the enhancements in more detail below.

The RDRS two-year pilot program is a proof-of-concept initiative for individuals and entities with a legitimate interest in nonpublic registration data, including law enforcement, intellectual property professionals, consumer protection advocates, cybersecurity professionals, and government officials. RDRS was developed with community input and implemented at the direction of the ICANN Board with the goal of gathering the system usage data required to gauge demand and inform policy decisions related to a System for Standardized Access/Disclosure to Nonpublic gTLD Registration Data.

The RDRS Usage Metrics reports have been updated with new and more dynamic information, and are published monthly. The reports include comparative data analysis, charts, graphical representations, and explanations for 17 metrics.

Recent enhancements include:

  • Downloadable CSV of the Summary of Data chart.
  • Metric to track requests for confidentiality for law enforcement requests.
  • Metric to track downloaded PDF of disclosure request form for participating registrars.
  • Percentage of domains under management covered by registrars participating in the RDRS pilot.

RDRS system enhancements were also implemented based on GNSO Standing Committee feedback and are meant to improve the user experience for both registrars and requestors.

These improvements include:

  • Clarification on the list of supported gTLDs that uses the gTLD JSON Report and provides a list of all gTLDs covered by ICANN org contracts. This report includes, for example, whether the gTLD supports second- or third-level domain names and other requirements, and documents the dates the gTLDs were included in the root zone.
  • Improved error messaging for top-level domains (TLDs) not supported in RDRS (including country code top-level domains, the sponsored TLDs .mil, .int, .gov, and .edu, and the infrastructure TLD .arpa) and for nonparticipating registrars.
  • An updated "Help" function.
  • Updated supporting materials: Requestor and Registrar User Guides and Frequently Asked Questions.

We will provide a six-month update on RDRS operations and metrics during ICANN80 Prep Week and encourage you to register and attend on Wednesday, 29 May, at 16:30 UTC.


Eleeza Agopian

Eleeza Agopian

Vice President, Strategic Initiatives