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ICANN Launches RDRS, Releases First Metrics Report

2024 年 01 月 17 日

In November, the ICANN organization launched the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS), a new service that provides a more consistent and standardized format to handle requests for access to nonpublic registration data related to generic top-level domains (gTLDs). The RDRS is an important mechanism for ICANN-accredited registrars and those who have a legitimate interest in accessing nonpublic data, including law enforcement, intellectual property professionals, consumer protection advocates, cybersecurity professionals, and government officials.

The first RDRS usage metrics report, covering the November–December 2023 period, is now available. This report, which will be published on a monthly basis, provides the system usage data as requested by the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council.

While a thorough analysis of the data collected will require several months, this early glimpse gives an idea of areas where we may see trends emerge.

Context is especially important to understanding some metrics. For example, we were initially surprised by the results for metric 13, showing that 80 percent of requests via the RDRS were denied. Further examination (see metric 14) revealed that the majority of those denials resulted from either an incomplete request or a need for corrective action from the requestor. Because all communication between the requestor and registrar takes place outside of the RDRS, we don't have access to more specific information. Another portion of that includes the "other" category, which, when further explored, largely came from incorrect use of the system and test cases needing to be voided.

We are encouraged by the level of interest in the service just one month since the launch. ICANN organization (org) staff will continue outreach and engagement efforts to support registrars and potential requestors, including providing training and educational materials.

I encourage you to review the first report and attend one of our upcoming webinars, during which we will review the data in more detail and provide an opportunity for community feedback and questions. You can also provide feedback during ICANN Public Meetings or via email to globalsupport@icann.org.

A Multistakeholder Team Effort

The launch of the RDRS could not have happened without the support and commitment of the ICANN community. Special thanks to the GNSO Council (including the Small Team) and the volunteers from the Registrars Stakeholder Group, who worked to ensure that the design and development of the RDRS was in line with the GNSO Council's request and subsequent Board resolution. I would like to thank everyone involved in helping to develop and launch the service. The work that's been achieved in such a short amount of time is a true testament to the multistakeholder model and effective collaboration among the ICANN Board, org, and community.

We will continue to work with our internal teams and the community to gather feedback from current RDRS users and encourage participation from both registrars and requestors. Along with providing monthly usage reports, the org also will be reporting on user satisfaction survey responses from the requestors and registrars that participate in the service.


One of the main purposes of the RDRS is to collect data about system usage, which will inform future discussions between the GNSO Council and the ICANN Board on the pending Recommendations 1–18 of the Final Report of the GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Phase 2. The monthly RDRS usage metrics reports provide the system usage data and can be found on the RDRS webpage.

Once again, thanks to the ICANN community for their dedication and collaborative work to launch the RDRS. Together, we have developed a service that can be an important resource for Internet users around the world, and provide the necessary information to inform policy decisions related to a System for Standardized Access/Disclosure. To learn more about the benefits of the RDRS and how it works, visit https://www.icann.org/rdrs-en.


Eleeza Agopian

Eleeza Agopian

Vice President, Strategic Initiatives