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ICANN Collaborates with Moscow-Based PIR Center to Present a Collection of Articles on Cyberspace

6 July 2017
By Alexandra Kulikova

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As ICANN continues to look for better ways to ensure its core mission, as outlined in the organization's bylaws, the security, stability and resiliency (SSR) of the Internet's unique identifiers system stands out as a priority for Internet communities around the globe.

The multistakeholder model, in the pursuit of this mission, often faces the challenge of an uneven distribution of voices from different communities and their take on these global issues. Some of these issues are the security, stability and resiliency of local and global Internet infrastructures, the Internet of Things (IOT) and the threats posed by it, the implications of the IANA Stewardship Transition, and cybersecurity. At the same time, these voices, while adding to the vast diversity of perspectives on these problems, demonstrate that many issues on the global Internet governance and cybersecurity agenda are common across the world.

We'd like to present to the ICANN community, as well as anyone interested, a collection of articles, titled "Global Internet governance and cyber security as viewed by Russian experts," which were published throughout 2015 and 2016 in Security Index1, one of the most influential Russian publications that analyzes global security issues. Together with PIR Center, a Moscow-based think-tank, we translated five pieces into English. These articles were written by experts from the Russian Internet community representing the community's various stakeholder groups: the business constituency (Olga Makarova of MTS, one of the largest mobile operators in Russia, Alexey Lukatsky of Cisco Systems), technical community (Andrey Kolesnikov, former director of .ru/.рф ссTLD, current Director of the Russian Internet of Things Association and a member of ICANN At-Large Board), and academic community (Oleg Demidov and me, PIR Center consultants).

Even though these articles were originally written and published in Russian over a year ago, they bring up and analyze very important topics and provide valuable lessons that are still relevant and useful to the community.

We believe that getting you acquainted with this collection of articles is valuable for informed and inclusive policy making, as well as an overall awareness of the discussions around cyber-related issues from a country that often generates headlines about their cybersecurity initiatives and issues.

We are most grateful to PIR Center for the great job of putting together this publication, as well as the authors, and invite you all to get acquainted with "Global Internet governance and cyber security as viewed by Russian experts."

1 Selection of articles and their translation supported by ICANN


Alexandra Kulikova