根服务器系统咨询委员会 (RSSAC)

RSSAC 是一个由一批根服务器运营商和专家构成的团体,旨在向 ICANN 董事会和社群提供关于互联网根服务器系统管理的见解和建议。


  • English

Pittsburgh, PA, USA

RSSAC meeting 7 - Raw Notes

Pittsburgh, PA. - Washington Rm.


Jun Muri - chair & M Randall Hayes - G & H
Kato-san - M Gerry Sn. - D
Ray Pilzk - H & G Mark K. - advisor NSI
Louie Touton - ICANN Tom Newell - A & J
Geoff Houston - IEPG Evi - advisor
Havard - I Mirium - K & Ripe
DRC - E & F Karen Rose - DoC
Chris Yarnell - E & F Sz. - L
Chris F. - K Jessica L. - G & H


  1. ICANN process regarding RSSAC - jun
  2. Primary transition - drc
  3. Contractual process - markk/louis
  4. Locations of new servers - evi/bmanning
  5. DNSSEC status - bmanning
  6. IPv6 - kato
  7. IDN impact - bmanning
  8. Schedule

This mtg is by invitation only. No announced public portion.

If requested, at the end.

1. ICANN process regarding RSSAC - Jun

  • New arch. - dedicated primary for root zone (et.al.)
  • technically discussed and prepared (apprved?)
  • When is a subject for discussion (contractual binding?)
  • what are the operational requirements?
  • Contract status?
  • formal agreement is the goal
  • crada - MoU for existing capabilities, not all
  • (USgov & PSI not signed up)
  • Formal draft circulated 27july2000 PDT.
  • Under review. DoC & ICANN want both.


Prior art. 2010, 2870, DNSOPS ---- more later.

  • 15July - ICANN board mtg. passed resolutions pertanent to RSSAC.
  • Apublic transition plan based on dedicated primary
  • We are working on implementation plan. plans available
  • By EOM aug.2000
  • President is authorized to request and wrk w/ DoC on
  • Transition plan including editiorial control of the zone.
  • Expend funds to make these things happen.
  • URL for the data on ICANN site.
  • Markk - not part of the RSSAC process. "railroaded"?
  • Louie - four drafts out in last call - no received comments.
  • Is the document ok? sure.
  • Ray - would be nice to see in final form prior to announcement.
  • Bill - possible mis-reading of the resolution statements.
  • Louie - resoultion 00.58 is the board acceptance of the transition plan.
  • (bill... which version?)
  • Ray - have a better process in future.

2. Primary transition - drc

drc - operational requirements of the transition.

  • Should refine things like 2870 for the DM.
  • What are the technical requirements for roviding the service
  • Rootops need to be comfortable.
  • Louie - what is the schedule.
  • drc - 15aug is a nice target for a first draft.
  • Louie - why do the root ops consider this important vs rssac.
  • drc - root-ops bear the brunt of failure in the user community.
  • RSSAC is an advisory
  • Louie - document should be guided by performance vs operations.
  • Bill - ops is a consideration.
  • drc - anything that affects operations is a concern.
  • Louie - only NSI publishes - will work with them
  • drc/bill - operational impact is real.
  • Rootops can advise rssac & rssac can advise ICANN.
  • (do to overlap how can rssac advise icann w/o rootops)
  • Markk - can icann publish expectaions (timeframes et.al.)?
  • Louie - schedule is important. (missing data) - don't want a
  • 7/8 month slip. Want this by 31aug2000.

1) Recommend an enhanced arch. - 00.58 approved.
2) Proceedural plan on transition. "shifting" - onestep plan approved by rssac
3) Implementation plan (concreate dates)
4) Document IANA proceedures (what drc holds?)
5) The contract for services.

  • MarkK - "here to help" -
  • Ray - does all this need to be in stone or can we have "jello" that can be ammenable to DoC approval?
  • Louie - ammenable.
  • Karen - stuff..... seems to echo Louis thoughts. Are we comfortable and avoiding delays?
  • Tom n. - ammendments to cooperative agreement pending?
  • Karen - yes, there will need to be. Need to include ICANN et.al.
  • (lots of discussion - generally we think these points are ok and we can try and meet the targets)
  • Ray - has any thought been given to operations?
  • Louie - run by staff.

3. Contractual process - MarkK/Louis

Major rewrite sent out "late". some comments received. more are desirable. DoC wants formal agreements for stablity. W/organizations not people. People are listed as ops. drawn from 2870 w/ modifications. RSSAC has an ongoing role in tweeking the specs. Something implementable now and can evolve to meet future needs. Exibit A needs careful review. The other document to our various legal staffing.

MarkK& Bill & Ray - what does it mean to "resign"?

Jun/Louie - two week turn time. (yeah right... :)

Missed getting notes for my stuff and Kato's