根服务器系统咨询委员会 (RSSAC)

RSSAC 是一个由一批根服务器运营商和专家构成的团体,旨在向 ICANN 董事会和社群提供关于互联网根服务器系统管理的见解和建议。


  • English

How to Join the RSSAC Caucus

To apply for membership in the RSSAC Caucus, interested applicants should fill out the application form by clicking the Apply to Join button below. You may also download this MS Word document, complete it, and submit the statement of interest to the RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee at rssac-membership@icann.org

Apply to Join

Application Review Timeline

Applications received by the seventh of the month will be reviewed by the Membership Committee for presentation to the RSSAC at its meeting on the first Tuesday of the following month, as per the following timeline:

Statement of Interest (SOI) Submission Deadline RSSAC Caucus Membership Meeting RSSAC Meeting
By the seventh of a given month Second Thursday of the month First Tuesday of the following month

Note: This table is for informational purposes only. Timing of the RSSAC Meetings and the RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee Meetings may change due to ICANN Public Meetings or other events.


Application Information