根服务器系统咨询委员会 (RSSAC)

RSSAC 是一个由一批根服务器运营商和专家构成的团体,旨在向 ICANN 董事会和社群提供关于互联网根服务器系统管理的见解和建议。


  • English

RSSAC Caucus Work Parties

This page provides an overview of the work parties of the RSSAC Caucus, including a description of the effort and its current status.

For questions and concerns regarding any of the RSSAC Caucus work parties, please contact ask-rssac@icann.org.


Work parties consist of a work party leader; members who may contribute to, review, or observe the work; and an RSSAC shepherd. Staff support resources from the ICANN organization are available to assist the work party.


There are five stages to a work party:

Initiation: The RSSAC has approved the statement of work and appointed a shepherd. There is an open call for volunteers from the RSSAC Caucus.

Active: The work party is conducting its work and preparing its work product.

Inactive: The RSSAC has suspended the work party to evaluate its status.

Review: The work party has concluded its work, and the work product is under review by the RSSAC Caucus and/or the RSSAC.

Closed: The RSSAC has published the work product.

Listing of Work Parties

