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Accepting Applications for ICANN VP of IANA Services and PTI President

21 июня 2017
Автор Akram Atallah

В дополнение к языкам ICANN, этот материал также доступен на следующих языках

As you may remember, earlier this year, Elise Gerich decided to step down from her role at ICANN as the Vice President of IANA Services and President of Public Technical Identifiers (PTI). We have now begun our search to find her replacement. We aim to finish this process with enough time for onboarding before Elise's departure (October 2017), and we are grateful that Elise has offered to be flexible to ensure we can complete successful onboarding.

An updated job description, key responsibilities and qualifications have been posted to ICANN’s careers page. The position is based in Los Angeles, California and will report to me. Candidates will be screened by Human Resources, through phone interviews, and then the final candidates will be interviewed face-to-face.

A key responsibility for this executive leader will be to ensure that the IANA functions are performed in a secure, stable, and efficient manner with a commitment towards operational excellence. The selected candidate will also serve as one of the five directors on the PTI Board.

If you or others are interested in this position, please apply on the ICANN careers page. Applications will be accepted through 15 July 2017.


Akram Atallah

Бывший President, Global Domains Division