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ICANN 2010 Nominating Committee Announces Selections

7 сентября 2010

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  • English

The 2010 ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom) has completed its selections for seven leadership positions within ICANN.

The NomCom’s Chair, Wolfgang Kleinwaechter, said "We are proud to announce this year’s selectees to ICANN’s leadership. They include highly accomplished and experienced individuals from Albania, Argentina, Egypt, France, Germany, and the United States. The Committee noted with deep satisfaction that so many highly qualified individuals had put their names forward for these positions. At the same time, this made the Committee´s work particularly complex, with difficult choices between numerous excellent candidates to fill just a handful of positions. The final selections, a consensus after long deliberations in the Committee, combines renewal with expertise and experience in a way that we trust will reinforce ICANN and meet the community's expectations. Furthermore, for the first time in ICANN’s history, since 1998, the Committee has selected a representative of the Arab speaking community to the Board, which underlines the importance of further internationalization of ICANN."

NomCom is charged with recruiting and selecting a portion of ICANN’s leadership. NomCom is mandated to ensure, that overall, ICANN’s leadership is diverse in geography, culture, skills, experience, and perspective. The basic criteria is that selectees are people of integrity, objectivity and sound judgment, can support decision-making within groups, can work effectively in English, have an understanding of ICANN’s mission and operation, are committed to its success, experienced in world affairs, contribute to cultural, professional and geographic expertise, and can work long and hard as volunteers in the global public trust.

NomCom evaluated over eighty candidates, many of whom with exceptional qualifications in relation to the key criteria as set out in the ICANN Bylaws. With such a rich pool of candidates and very few seats to fill, NomCom found itself unable to appoint all the applicants the Committee members would have desired to see on the Board and on the other bodies.

Selectees listed for each ICANN body, in alphabetical order by family name. (Biographies of these individuals will be posted soon)

ICANN Board of Directors

Cherine Chalaby, Egypt

Bertrand de La Chapelle, France *

Erika Mann, Germany


Sébastien Bachollet, France

Marc Rotenberg, United States

GNSO Council

Carlos Aguirre, Argentina

ccNSO Council

Sokol Haxhiu, Albania

These individuals will take up their positions at the end of ICANN’s Annual General Meeting in Cartagena, Colombia, on 10 December 2010.

This year’s Nominating Committee received 82 Statements of Interest from candidates all over the world (four female and 78 male), during its open nomination period from 2 December 2009 to 15 April 2010. The regional breakdown of this year’s candidates is:

  • 11 from Africa,
  • 20 from Asia/Australia/Pacific
  • 23 from Europe
  • 7 from Latin America/Caribbean
  • 21 from North America

For more information about NomCom, please visit http://nomcom.icann.org/


* In the attached letter [PDF, 40 KB], Bertrand de La Chapelle has confirmed to the NomCom that, in order to comply with Article VI, section 4.1 of the ICANN Bylaws, he will leave his position as Thematic Ambassador and Special Envoy for the Information Society in the French Foreign and European Ministry prior to taking his seat as an ICANN Director.