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At-Large Community to Convene in London for Atlas II

28 May 2014
By Olivier Crépin-Leblond

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The At-Large community is busy preparing for the second At-Large Summit (ATLAS II) to be held 21-26 June 2014 in London. The theme for ATLAS II is "Global Internet: The User Perspective."

ATLAS II Summit Logo

ATLAS II is a milestone in the evolution of the At-Large community. ATLAS II will provide the opportunity for 153 At-Large Structure (ALS) representatives—many of whom have never attended an ICANN meeting—to experience an ICANN public meeting, to learn the issues, and to work together with other end users on topics that they have chosen to address.

There are three goals for ATLAS II:

  1. Strengthening the At-Large Community

    By building capacity of policies and processes for our ALS representatives, the grassroots At-Large community will better engage in ICANN as the organization and the Internet continue to evolve.

  2. Increasing Knowledge and Understanding of ICANN

    ATLAS II aims to make it easier for ALS representatives to act as ambassadors and bring knowledge about ICANN back to their communities worldwide.

  3. Showcasing the Multistakeholder Model

    The diverse At-Large community of end users is a unique global structure designed to provide a better balance of input in ICANN's multistakeholder model. In 2013, the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) ratified more than 50 policy advice statements.

ATLAS II participants will be asked to work and reach consensus on five issues, which will be key to the future of the multistakeholder model: 1) the Future of Multistakeholderism, 2) the Globalization of ICANN, 3) Global Internet: the User Perspective, 4) ICANN Transparency and Accountability, and 5) At-Large Community Engagement in ICANN.

ATLAS II participants will draft five reports based on the outcome of their discussions. These reports will be presented for public comment to gather feedback from other the broader ICANN community. The ALAC will also submit the reports to the ICANN Board for consideration. ALS representatives will also be encouraged to share the reports with their local community and to engage in the many At-Large working groups exploring issues in Internet governance.

ATLAS II comes at a pivotal moment for ICANN and a decisive time for the Internet. In light of NetMundial and as ICANN begins discussions on the transition of the stewardship of the IANA functions, end user involvement is crucial. It is very important that ALS representatives gain a better understanding of how they can contribute and then share their experiences with their local communities.

The first At-Large Summit held in Mexico City in 2009 was the starting point and catalyst for many of today's ALAC and regional leaders. It was the first time they could come together to gain an understanding of the topics at ICANN, the structure of the At-Large community, and the process by which end user input becomes policy advice in At-Large.

The multistakeholder model at ICANN would be incomplete without the engagement of end users. ATLAS II provides the At-Large community the opportunity to get actively involved in ICANN and for all voices to be heard in the policymaking process. Balanced multistakeholder input ensures that the Internet remains open and stimulates growth and opportunity worldwide. ATLAS II is a historic testament of an operational rather than theoretical bottom-up, multistakeholder model.


Olivier Crépin-Leblond