Comité Asesor del Sistema de Servidores Raíz (RSSAC)

El RSSAC es un grupo de operadores de servidores raíz y especialistas que brinda información y asesoramiento tanto a la Junta Directiva como a la comunidad de la ICANN sobre la gestión del Sistema de Servidores Raíz de Internet.

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RSSAC Caucus

About the Caucus

The RSSAC Caucus is composed of Domain Name System experts who have an interest in the Root Server System, broadening the base of diverse technical expertise available for RSSAC work. The primary role of the RSSAC Caucus is to perform research and produce publications on topics relevant to the mission of the RSSAC. You can find the RSSAC Caucus mailing list correspondence in this public archive.