مدونات ICANN

اقرأ مدونات ICANN لتبقى على اطلاع على آخر أنشطة وضع السياسات والمحافل الإقليمية وغيرها.

ICANN Participation in LACNIC 38 and LACNOG 2022

27 أكتوبر 2022

After two and half years of the pandemic, I had the opportunity to participate in person, along with members from Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) at the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Internet Addresses Registry (LACNIC 38) and the LAC Group of Network Operators (LACNOG 2022), held jointly from 3 to 7 October in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. I also attended a technical event from the LAC Country Code Top Level Domain Association (LACTLD). It was a constructive and enjoyable week, and a real pleasure to finally meet many colleagues and associates. Below are some highlights from this productive week.

The week's events started on Monday with a tutorial and the first-time launch of a jointly sponsored "DNS Hackathon." David Huberman, ICANN's Technical Engagement Manager for North America and Europe, and Carlos Martinez, LACNIC's Chief Technology Officer, and I supported this week-long event. We also held a day-long tutorial in collaboration with Erika Vega (Engineering Manager at MC&H Networks, Colombia), Guillermo Cicileo (LACNIC's Internet Infrastructure I+D Leader), and Santiago Aggio (from the National Technology University, Argentina), where we covered topics including interconnection, secure routing, and automation. The hackathon itself consisted of DNS-related configuration tasks and challenges for participants to complete during the week.

On Tuesday, Alain Durand, ICANN's Distinguished Technologist, gave a presentation on emerging naming technologies. I also had the opportunity to moderate a panel with Christian O'Flaherty, Internet Society Vice President for the LAC region, Ricardo Patara, Numbering Resource Manager at NIC.br, Evandro Varonil, LACNIC's Board of Directors member, and Edmundo Cázarez, Numbering Resource Manager at NIC.mx on "Public Policies that Made History." The event marked LACNIC's 20th anniversary and was well attended. Many thanks to LACNIC's CEO, Oscar Robles, and all the members of his team for the opportunity to participate in such a great panel.

On Wednesday, I held two presentations as part of a LACTLD technical event, one about DNS security threats and the other about DNS security and resiliency protocols, among others. Members of the country code top-level domains (ccTLD) community participated in the event.

Finally, on Friday, we closed the hackathon and jointly held, with LACNIC and LACNOG, an "after event meeting" for all Colombian network operators and Internet service providers who attended the week's events. The meeting was intended to be an open discussion about issues all participating organizations are facing. I appreciate the productive discussions.

To learn more about this event, visit the dedicated website and access the presentations, photos, and more.


Nicolás Antoniello

Regional Technical Engagement Sr. Manager