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Minutes | Organizational Meeting of the ICANN Board | Dakar 28 October 2011

An Organizational Meeting of the ICANN Board of Directors was held on 28 October 2011 in Dakar, Senegal.

Steve Crocker promptly called the meeting to order.

In addition to Steve Crocker the following Directors participated in all or part of the meeting: Sébastien Bachollet, Rod Beckstrom (CEO and President), Cherine Chalaby, Chris Disspain, Bill Graham, Bertrand de La Chapelle, Erika Mann, Gonzalo Navarro, Ray Plzak, R. Ramaraj, George Sadowsky, Mike Silber, Bruce Tonkin, Judith Vazquez and Kuo-Wei Wu.

The following Board Liaisons participated in all or part of the meeting: Heather Dryden, GAC Liaison; Ram Mohan, SSAC Liaison; Thomas Narten, IETF Liaison; Thomas Roessler, TLG Liaison; and Suzanne Woolf, RSSAC LIaison.

  1. Election of Board Chairman
  2. Election of Board Vice-Chairman
  3. Appointment of Membership of Board Committees
  4. Confirmation of Officers of ICANN
  5. Thanks to Sponsors
  6. Thanks to Scribes, Interpreters, Staff, Event and Hotel Teams
  7. Thanks to Local Hosts


  1. Election of Board Chairman

    Steve Crocker requested Bruce Tonkin, as the Chair of the Board Governance Committee, to act as an organizing chair.

    Bruce then presented the resolution, and George Sadowsky seconded.

    The Board took the following action:

    Resolved (2011.10.28.36), Steve Crocker is elected as Chairman of the Board.

    All members of the Board unanimously approved of Resolution 2011.10.28.36.

    The Chair thanked the Board and noted what a pleasure its been to work with the Board and the entire community. He thanked the staff for their support. The Chair commented that everyone is focused on ICANN's mission, and he is humbled at the opportunity to serve.

  2. Election of Board Vice-Chairman

    The Chair presented the resolution, and Cherine Chalaby seconded.

    The Board then took the following action:

    Resolved (2011.10.28.37), Bruce Tonkin is elected as Vice-Chairman of the Board.

    All members of the Board unanimously approved of Resolution 2011.10.28.37.

    The Chair commented that Bruce has been a good partner to work with, particularly with the enormous workload before the Board. The Chair congratulated Bruce and thanked him for his work.

  3. Appointment of Membership of Board Committees

    Bruce Tonkin, as Chair of the Board Governance Committee, presented the resolution and noted that the Board now has committee chairs from six continents.

    Chris Disspain seconded the resolution.

    The Board took the following action:

    Resolved (2011.10.28.38), membership of the following Board committees be established:

    • Audit
      • Erika Mann (Chair)
      • Bill Graham
      • Gonzalo Navarro
      • Judith Vazquez
    • Compensation
      • R. Ramaraj (Chair)
      • Steve Crocker
      • George Sadowsky
      • Bruce Tonkin
    • Executive
      • Steve Crocker (Chair)
      • Rod Beckstrom
      • Cherine Chalaby
      • Bruce Tonkin
    • Finance
      • Cherine Chalaby (Chair)
      • Sébastien Bachollet
      • Chris Disspain
      • George Sadowsky
    • Governance
      • Bruce Tonkin (Chair)
      • Cherine Chalaby
      • Bill Graham
      • Ram Mohan (Liaison)
      • Ray Plzak
      • R. Ramaraj
      • Mike Silber
    • Global Relationships
      • Gonzalo Navarro (Chair)
      • Chris Disspain
      • Bertrand de La Chapelle
      • Erika Mann
      • George Sadowsky
      • Kuo-Wei Wu
    • IANA
      • Kuo-Wei Wu (Chair)
      • Bill Graham
      • Bertrand de La Chapelle
      • Thomas Narten (Liaison)
      • Suzanne Woolf (Liaison)
    • Public Participation
      • Sébastien Bachollet (Chair)
      • Chris Disspain
      • Thomas Narten (Liaison)
      • Gonzalo Navarro
      • Mike Silber
      • Kuo-Wei Wu
    • Risk
      • Mike Silber (Chair)
      • Steve Crocker
      • Ray Plzak
      • R. Ramaraj
      • Thomas Roessler (Liaison)
      • Bruce Tonkin
      • Judith Vazquez
      • Suzanne Woolf (Liaison)
    • Structural Improvements
      • Ray Plzak (Chair)
      • Sébastien Bachollet
      • Bertrand de La Chapelle
      • Thomas Roessler (Liaison)
      • Judith Vazquez

    All members of the Board unanimously approved of Resolution 2011.10.28.38.

  4. Confirmation of Officers of ICANN

    Conflict of Interest Identification:

    The President and CEO noted that he will be abstaining from the vote on this resolution because it relates to his employment with ICANN.

    Erika Mann presented the resolution and Judith Vazquez seconded.

    After the Chair called for discussion on the resolution, the Erika man welcomed Xavier Calvez to the team.

    The Chair then provided explanation that the election of key position within ICANN are required to be confirmed by the Board as officers in order to perform certain functions on behalf of the organization. The Chair noted that there are other senior positions within the organization that are also of great weight, but do not require Board appointment because they do not exercise the authority granted to officers.

    The President and CEO noted that though he is abstaining from the vote as it is in regards to his position, he wanted to commend the other four officers for their outstanding service to the organization and their professional qualifications.

     The Board then took the following action:

    Resolved (2011.10.28.39), Rod Beckstrom is elected as President and Chief Executive Officer.

    Resolved (2011.10.28.40), Akram Atallah is elected as Chief Operating Officer.

    Resolved (2011.10.28.41), John Jeffrey is elected as General Counsel and Secretary.

    Resolved (2011.10.28.42), Kurt Pritz is elected as Senior Vice President, Stakeholder Relations.

    Resolved (2011.10.28.43), Xavier Calvez is elected as Chief Financial Officer.

    Fifteen members of the Board approved of Resolutions 2011.10.28.39, 2011.10.28.40, 2011.10.28.41, 2011.10.28.42 and 2011.10.28.43. Rod Beckstrom abstained from voting. The Resolutions carried.

  5. Thanks to Sponsors

    Bertrand de La Chapelle presented the resolution. Mike Silber seconded the resolution.

    The Board then took the following action:

    The Board wishes to thank the following sponsors:

    VeriSign, Sonatel Orange, .ORG, The Public Interest Registry, Afilias Limited, Neustar, InterNetX, China Internet Network Information Center, siter, CORE Internet Council of Registrars, GMO Registry, Inc., AFNIC, TANGO Registry Services, African Registry Consortium, DotConnectAfrica, ironDNS, JSU RU-CENTER, Iron Mountain, ICANNWiki, Groupe Promo Consulting, Senecartours, AfriNIC, TIGO, Loment, NICSN, La francophonie, and NEXT Global Solutions.

    All Board members present unanimously approved of this resolution.

    The Chair expressed his thanks to the sponsors on behalf of the entire organization.

  6. Thanks to Scribes, Interpreters, Staff, Event and Hotel Teams

    The President and CEO presented the resolutions of Thanks to Scribes, Interpreters, Staff, Event and Hotel Teams and the Thanks to Local Hosts. The Chair seconded both resolutions.

    The Board expresses its appreciation to the scribes, the interpreters, technical teams, and to the entire ICANN staff for their efforts in facilitating the smooth operation of the meeting.

    The Board would also like to thank the management and staff of the Le Meridien President for the wonderful facility to hold this event. Special thanks are given to Rachid Tahiri, Frederic Mariani, and Ismaela Seck.

  7. Thanks to Local Hosts

    The Board wishes to extend its thanks to the local host organizer, The Ministry of Communication, Telecommunications and Information Technology and Communication (MICOMTELTIC) and the Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Post (ARTP) for their support. Special thanks are given to Mme Ndéye Maimouna DIOP DIAGNE, Directrice des TIC, Ministère en charge des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, and Adama Sow.

    The Board extends thanks to the President of Senegal, Abdoulaye Wade and Senegal's Minister of Communication and Telecommunications, Moustapha Guirassy, for their support and participation during the meeting.

    All members of the Board unanimously approved both resolutions of thanks.

    The Chair called the meeting to a close.