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President’s Corner: Greetings from Johannesburg

2017 年 06 月 25 日
作者: Göran Marby

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Welcome to the second Policy Forum – whether you are here in Johannesburg or following along from home.

I am consistently reminded as I meet with ICANN stakeholders around the world, on behalf of the ICANN organization, that the Internet is no one country's national resource. It belongs to everyone, and is a set of constantly evolving technologies, cooperating and collaborating with different networks and partners.

For ICANN community members interested in policy development, ICANN59 will provide you the opportunity to engage with colleagues and tackle the many complex and challenging topics. The cross-community discussions throughout this meeting will be particularly valuable in promoting exchanges of views. My role at the Policy Forum is to facilitate. We are not the Internet at ICANN, but we are an essential part of the Internet. It is important that together we evolve, make progress and continue to support the Internet going forward.

The Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees have taken the lead in organizing the program for this meeting. I know that you will be busy, but, I hope that if you are free, you can join me in the session to review the progress we've made on our Process Documentation Initiative.

As always, I hope to talk to many of you the next few days. Please let me know if you need anything and let's get to work.


Göran Marby

Göran Marby

前任 President & CEO