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Dublin and Transition

2015 年 10 月 13 日
作者: Steve Crocker


  • English

I look forward to seeing many of you on the Emerald Isle at ICANN54. I personally have been reinvigorated witnessing the commitment of the community, the CCWG-Accountability in particular, as we work towards completing the last piece of a proposal that will move ICANN to an independent, improved and even more accountable organization.

We all know the reality of the situation we're facing today, not just the timelines but also the need to come together on this last piece of the puzzle. It's not about the Board, nor about any other single stakeholder – it's about the whole community coming together. As I've said before, though I and the other Board members are on the Board now, we are only here for a while, and then we will leave. In two years one of you will take over my seat and I will return to my former role in the wider community. We're all stakeholders – that's the beauty of the ICANN multistakeholder model. Everyone has a voice – and as soon as anyone says differently or tries to exclude people, well, that's not the Internet community I've participated in and watched evolve over the last 30 plus years, and that's not what ICANN is about.

It's about wading through a noisy, and at times robust, but good faith discussion to come together and agree upon a final, balanced approach. Right now, it happens to be about the CCWG-Accountability analyzing and addressing the 93 comments from the last round of public comment, listening to all possible views and opinions from across the community– including those that come forward in Dublin—and developing a final consensus proposal.

We are in the final stretch of this and it's time for everyone, however involved you've been, to help work towards a consensus.

Dublin will be key as we show the world what our multistakeholder model can accomplish. I know many on the Board are deeply engaged alongside many of you in the working parties and will continue participating in community discussion throughout this process. The CCWG and the broader community both have a lot of discussions ahead. The Board looks forward to participating as one stakeholder of many, and I thank you all for your energy and commitment to this effort.  It really is a wonder to behold.

For those of you following the IANA Stewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability processes in Dublin or from your computer at home, below is a quick reference guide to the latest transition-related meetings.  At the community's request, the ICANN staff identified additional times for ICANN Accountability discussions with as little disruption as possible to the current meeting schedule.

Please don't hesitate to join in the discussions no matter where you are in the world. We are nearly there. It is a historic moment, and truly a testament to the strength of the multistakeholder model.



Session Title


Friday, 16 October


CCWG-Accountability Face-to-Face Meeting

Liffey H2

Saturday, 17 October


CCWG-Accountability Sub-team Breakouts

Liffey H2

Saturday, 17 October


ICG Face-to-Face Meeting

Liffey B

Sunday, 18 October


ICG Face-to-Face Meeting

Liffey B

Sunday, 18 October


Transition Perspectives: From Internet Pioneer and the U.S. Congress


Monday, 19 October


CCWG-Accountability Engagement Session I


Monday, 19 October


ICG Engagement Session


Monday, 19 October


CCWG-Accountability Working Session I

Liffey B

Wednesday, 21 October


CWG-Stewardship Working Session

Wicklow H2

Wednesday, 21 October


IANA Stewardship Transition Implementation

Wicklow H2

Wednesday, 21 October


CCWG-Accountability Engagement Session II


Thursday, 22 October


CCWG-Accountability Working Session II

Liffey H2

Thursday, 22 October


ICG Working Session

Liffey B

Friday, 23 October


ICG Working Session

Liffey B


Steve Crocker

前任 ICANN Board Chair