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Case Management

2013 年 03 月 13 日
作者: Chris LaHatte


  • English

A case management system is probably not something which attracts much discussion or interest among my readers. ICANN itself has recently moved into the use of a sophisticated project management system to assist with collaboration and planning of work. The office of the ombudsman has had a useful case management system, but unfortunately it has become somewhat outdated. So I have been spending a considerable amount of time recently in researching new systems, and evaluating the products available.

I have now had my new system approved by ICANN and also by our security team, an important element because of my need for confidentiality. I have been spending time with the vendor to create the different alternatives and tools to work with the system, which I hope will enable faster handling of complaints and better reports as to the issues which I am handling. I am incorporating within the system a project management option so that when more complex complaints are received they can be handled with appropriate templates and milestones to assist in a better product.

The interface, for people who want to lodge a complaint, will not change greatly. What I hope to achieve is a system which will enable much more information to be provided, and which will process the complaints more actively. While many of my complaints continue to be outside my jurisdiction, nonetheless they needed to be considered and appropriate referrals made to the correct place to consider the issue. I believe my visitors prefer to know quickly whether I am able to deal with their complaint or whether it has to go somewhere else.

So on the face of it nothing will have any substantial changes, but within about two months we should have a new system with greater analysis and efficiency available.

Perhaps this is not very exciting, but I am sharing this so that my visitors know that the engine is being lifted and replaced by the 2013 model. The driver remains however as the 1954 model.


Chris LaHatte