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Applicant Guidebook comment period update

2008 年 12 月 22 日
作者: Kieren McCarthy


  • English

The first comment period for the Applicant Guidebook has now closed for English speakers, and will close on 7 January for those responding in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish.

The responses sent in will now be carefully compiled and summarized. In the New Year, this summary will be published and soon thereafter, suggested alterations to the Guidebook based on that feedback will be put back out to the community.

The revised Guidebook will then be put out to a second comment period in order to enable fine tuning.

As of Monday 22 December, this first public comment period has received 317 comments through its dedicated online forums. Respondents come from 24 different countries and each of the five global regions.

Respondents were given the option of responding to the Guidebook as a whole, or individually to one of the six modules that makes up the Guidebook. Just over half (55 percent) chose to comment on the Guidebook as a whole; the remainder (with a small overlap) made specific comments about the modules.

Of the modules, the fifth module, covering the legal agreement between new registries and ICANN received the most comments (43 of 141, or 30 percent). That was followed by Module 1, which covered, among other things, the costs of applications: it received 32 comments or 23 percent. Thereafter, evaluation procedures (17 percent); dispute resolution (13 percent); string contention (12 percent); and terms and conditions (5 percent).

We look forward to continuing the conversation and revision process in 2009.



Kieren McCarthy