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Public Comment Period on Registries/Registrars Report Extended

2008 年 12 月 8 日

除了 ICANN 官方语言版本以外,本内容还提供以下语言版本

The public comment period on a report by CRA International on gTLD registries and registrars has been extended by one week to 15 December 2008.

The report, entitled "Revisiting Vertical Separation of Registries and Registrars", was commissioned in response to two Board resolutions, one seeking more information on the registry/registrar marketplace, and the other directing the development of a detailed implementation plan for the new gTLD policy.

The extension follows recent community discussion about public comment periods, in particular whether the week filled by ICANN’s international public meetings should form a part of a comment period. It is in line with an identical extension for the Applicant Guidebook for new gTLDs, introduced last week.

The community is encouraged to send in its responses to the report and to the Applicant Guidebook.

Related links:

CRA International’s report:
http://www.icann.org/en/topics/new-gtlds/crai-report-24oct08-en.pdf [PDF, 513K]

Public comment period for the CRAI report:

Extension of Applicant Guidebook comment period: