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Middle East Developments Cause Cancellation of ICANN Jordan Meeting

18 февраля 2011
Автор Barbara Ann Clay

Контент доступен только на следующих языках

  • English

ICANN’s Board of Directors has decided not to hold the June 20-24 ICANN Public Meeting in Amman, Jordan.

ICANN’s goal is always to facilitate the participation of as many people as possible in our bottom-up, multi-stakeholder community. The Board reluctantly made its decision after closely monitoring the rapidly changing developments affecting the Middle East. The decision reflects the Board’s view that regional developments could have a negative impact on attendance at the meeting.

We would like to offer our warm thanks to our Jordanian hosts, who were extremely constructive and helpful throughout the planning and preparation stages of the meeting. It is our sincere hope that Jordan might be willing to extend its kind hospitality to ICANN again in the future.

More details about the meeting location will be forthcoming soon.


Barbara Ann Clay