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Language Services at ICANN69

5 октября 2020

As a global organization, ICANN is committed to making our events and content accessible to our global community. I'm pleased to tell you that we will once again offer remote simultaneous interpretation (RSI) in the six United Nations languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish) for key ICANN69 sessions. These resources will be available for the ICANN69 Virtual Annual General and related meetings:

  • The ICANN69 Language Services team is comprised of 34 contracted interpreters along with a team of five in-house Language Expert/Head Interpreters. The entirely remote team will work from eight different countries.
  • The team is operating during Prep Week in addition to its work during ICANN69's Community Days and Plenary Week.
  • We will use the RSI platform once again, supporting up to three rooms concurrently. Please see the Participation Guide for more details on how to use this tool.
  • Exact resources for each session are contained in the schedule listing. For your reference:
    • Zoom A – Prep Week with six UN languages.
    • Zoom 3 – GAC with seven languages (six UN languages + Portuguese)
    • Zoom 1 – ALAC/At-Large with three languages (English, French, and Spanish)
    • Zoom 6 – Plenary room with six UN languages
  • We have a team of five tech experts supporting the RSI platform.
  • The RSI platform will be set up in two countries, just as we did during ICANN68, with the primary platform in Australia, and a second exact replica in Singapore as a redundancy precaution.

The ICANN Language Services team looks forward to supporting ICANN69. Like many of you, we also look forward to reconnecting and working together in person again soon. Until then, we'll see you online RSI at ICANN69!


Sally Newell Cohen

Sally Newell Cohen

SVP, Global Communications