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ICANN Performance You Can Measure

7 октября 2010
Автор Carole Cornell

Контент доступен только на следующих языках

  • English

Transparent, open and accountable.

Our bylaws call for it. The community has asked for it. We are committed to it.

As a nonprofit corporation working for the public good, we must be able to openly and easily provide answers to questions such as:

  • What is ICANN doing to protect registrants?
  • Where do we get and how do we spend our money?
  • When will we run out of IPv4 addresses?
  • How many documents have we translated into languages other than English?

Introducing the new and improved Dashboard – ICANN Performance Metrics, Refreshed.

Our refreshed metrics provide updated reporting in an expansive, detailed, and more user-friendly, dynamic fashion.

Click the link above to gain insight into ICANN’s internal operations.

Review our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in areas such as: Registrant Protection, Global Participation, Finance, IDNs, and more.

Accountability and transparency are part of our core values and our commitment to the Internet community.

These refreshed metrics are a testament to that as well as an invitation for you to participate.

In reviewing the data, if you are unable to find what you need, or if you have any suggestions on how to improve, we would like to hear from you; please email: dashboard-updates@icann.org.


Carole Cornell