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ICANN in your pocket

11 июня 2009
Автор Francesco Cetraro

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In just a few days, hundreds of people from all over the world will reach Sydney to participate in the upcoming 35th ICANN Meeting.

Many interesting discussions and important decisions will involve people with many different backgrounds, areas of expertise, opinions and expectations. Probably one of the few things they will all have in common is a mobile phone in their pocket.

Building on the very positive experience from Mexico City, ICANN and dotMobi have once again joined forces to bring the meeting closer to all its attendees.

The icann.mobi site aims to provide all of you with immediate, up-to-date information on the events and topics of the ICANN meeting.

We have designed the site with the needs of mobile users in mind, ensuring that pages are small and fast-loading and that the site is pleasant to view and navigate on all types of mobile devices..We know that time at the meeting is precious and that data traffic fees can be expensive, and for these reasons we want you to be able to find the information you need when you need it as quickly and intuitively as possible.

Accessing icann.mobi from your phone or wifi-enabled PDA will, for instance, give you immediate access to the meeting´s schedule: you can choose to view the full schedule or just take a quick look at the sessions that are going on at any given moment.

Our “mates” at AusRegistry have also helped us put together a lot of interesting information on how to get around Sydney and where one can go to have dinner or a drink and relax after a long day spent talking about domain names (which will most likely continue to be the topic of discussion into the evening!).

All the phone numbers in the “Useful Information” and “Free Time” sections are click-to-call links, so it is easy to call a cab if you happen to wake up on Bondi beach on Thursday morning.

We are also very happy to announce that the popular “Interact!” page, showing a live stream of twitter posts with the hashcode #icann has now been joined by an equally exciting “Live Images” page grabbing pictures from Flickr as soon as they are posted and tagged with the “icann” or “icannsydney” tags.

We hope you will enjoy the icann.mobi site and that it will help you make the most out of the ICANN Sydney Meeting.

We would also love to hear about your experience of using icann.mobi on your phone and your suggestions on how to keep improving it: as a matter of fact, anybody attending the meeting that fills in the feedback form on the icann.mobi site will be in with a chance to win one of 5 beautiful dotMobi Flip MinoHD cameras. Winners will be announced at the Gala After Party on Wednesday 24th June.

Francesco Cetraro and the dotMobi team


Francesco Cetraro