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Domain Name System Project Competition for Students Launched in India

10 июня 2021

The Internet Identifier Innovation Center (IIIC) has launched a Domain Name System (DNS) Project Competition for college and university students in India.

The DNS Project Competition encourages students to solve challenges using the DNS. Challenges could include measuring the performance of the DNS under different operating conditions, developing solutions related to Universal Acceptance, and using the DNS for new activities.

The deadline for application submission is 30 July 2021. Four of the top seven teams will be selected to carry out their research projects, supported with a monthly stipend for six months. Mentors will be available to help the students structure their projects. The teams are expected to share their research progress via video blogs which will be posted on the competition website. Some participants from the shortlisted teams may be further selected to join the ICANN Fellowship program during the ICANN Public Meetings in 2022 or 2023.

We recognize that, as the Internet continues to expand, it is increasingly important to involve the younger generations, who are digital natives, in Internet governance discussions. We want to encourage these future leaders to take an active role in shaping how the Internet is used, as well as in policy development. Participating in this competition will help students to understand the DNS better and encourage further involvement in local and regional Internet governance events.

ICANN and India's National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) Center of Excellence (COE) for Internet of Things (IOT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in June 2018 and established the IIIC. The DNS Project Competition is the second initiative of IIIC.

Please visit the DNS Project Competition website here: www.dnscompetition.in.


Samiran Gupta

VP, Government and IGO Engagement, APAC and Stakeholder Engagement, South Asia