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Chair’s Blog: Wrapping up the Los Angeles Workshop

23 сентября 2019
Автор Cherine Chalaby

In this blog, I share some of the more significant discussions from the ICANN Board workshop that was held earlier this month on 6-8 September in Los Angeles, California, as well as a summary of the key resolutions passed during the public Board meeting. We followed the agenda as detailed in my preview blog.

On Friday 6 September - Avri Doria started the day by leading a discussion on the short/long-term options for adjusting the timing and effectiveness of the Reviews, followed by a discussion on the Prioritization & Affordability of the Reviews' recommendations. Becky Burr then lead a session on what ICANN (Community, Board and Org) should be doing to prepare for the successful implementation of the three critical plans that will shape ICANN’s future: the FY21-25 Strategic Plan, FY21-25 Operating and Financial Plan and the Workplan to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our multistakeholder model.  After lunch, Brian Cute presented a progress report on that last Workplan. The rest of the afternoon was dedicated to meetings of the Board committees.

Saturday 7 September - We began the day with the traditional CEO dialogue with Göran Marby. Then, Cyrus Namazi and Jamie Hedlund briefed the Board on the Registry Operator Audit on DNS security threat obligations, which was published here.  Akinori Maemura then presented the Board Technical Committee's report on the DNS ecosystem security risks. After lunch, Maarten Botterman facilitated a session where we finalized our FY20 Board Activities and Priorities. Ron da Silva and Xavier Calvez then led a discussion on the status of the FY21-25 Operating & Financial Plan, which is being developed by ICANN org.

We concluded the day with an update on the current state of the EPDP Phase 2. We discussed the next-generation Registration Data Directory Services (RDDS) and how the transition to Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) will help support the complexity required now and in the future for handling of domain name registration data. All contracted parties are now required to implement RDAP. In the coming months, ICANN org will work with the contracted parties to define more robustly the RDAP service requirements and the eventual transition from WHOIS protocol to RDAP as the protocol of record for domain name registration data.

Sunday 8 September - We began the day by holding a public Board Meeting. During the meeting, we passed several resolutions, including:

Maarten and Becky then led a discussion on the progress made by the CCWG on Auction Proceeds, followed by a short update on the Board Skills Matrix. After lunch, the Board met to discuss its leadership slate. I have already posted a blog on 9 September 2019, summarising the outcome of that discussion. I will publish an update on the FY20 Board Activities and Priorities ahead of ICANN66, much like I did last year.  

The next Board workshop will be held on 1-3 November 2019 in Montreal.


Cherine Chalaby

Бывший ICANN Board Chair