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Interim Paper Cross-Community Working Group on Use of Names of Countries and Territories as Top Level Domains

24 февраля 2017

Контент доступен только на следующих языках

  • English
Open Date: 24 February 2017 Close Date: 21 April 2017
Originating Organization: ccNSO/GNSO, Chartering Organizations
Categories/Tags: Policy Development, ccTLDs, Security/Stability, ISO 3166, Top-Level Domains, New gTLDs
Brief Overview:

The Cross-Community Working Group ccNSO WG on Use of Names of Countries and Territories as Top-Level Domains (CWG-UCTN) is seeking public comments on its Interim Paper (https://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/ccwg-ctn-interim-paper-09feb17-en.pdf [PDF, 1.31 MB]), specifically on its draft conclusions and recommendations:

  • The group is of the view that a harmonized framework on the use of country and territory names is not feasible due to various reasons
  • The CWG intends to recommend to continue work in this area, after some of the issues limiting this effort have been resolved
  • Members of the CWG have varying views on structure of the new effort

After the closure of the public comment forum, the CWG will review the comments received and revise its conclusions and recommendations, if deemed appropriate, to include in the Final Paper. This paper will be submitted to the ccNSO and GNSO Councils for discussion, adoption and next steps.

Link: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/cwg-uctn-interim-paper-2017-02-24-en