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ICANN Policy Issue Briefs Now Available in Arabic, Chinese, and Russian

14 июля 2008

В дополнение к языкам ICANN, этот материал также доступен на следующих языках

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) today announced the availability of Arabic, Chinese, and Russian versions of ICANN Policy Issue Briefs in furtherance of ICANN's internationalization efforts.

ICANN recently developed ICANN Policy Issue Briefs to introduce the broader Internet community to issues currently being addressed by ICANN's bottom-up, consensus-based policy development structure. While the briefs are designed to accommodate newcomers to ICANN, they also are meant to serve ICANN veterans as basic introductions to potentially unfamiliar issues. Today's releases include the following:

Policy Issue Briefs in Arabic (AR)

Policy Issue Briefs in Chinese (zh_CN)

域名 货币 化 [PDF, 245K]

新通用 顶级 域(新 gTLD ) [PDF, 217K]

服 务 [PDF, 229K]

Policy Issue Briefs in Russian (RU)

Монетизация доменных имен [PDF, 209K]

Новые общие домены верхнего уровня ( новые gTLD) [PDF, 165K]

Кто есть кто [PDF, 149K]

ICANN Policy Issue Briefs in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish are available online at http://www.icann.org/en/policy/briefs/. The ICANN Policy Development Department plans to offer these briefs to the community on an ongoing basis, and in more languages.

Please send your comments, questions or suggestions for new topics to the ICANN policy staff at policy-staff@icann.org.