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Details on March 2003 ICANN Meeting to Be Held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

11 января 2003

Контент доступен только на следующих языках

  • English

ICANN's next round of meetings will be held in 23-27 March 2003 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The meetings are free to attend and open to any interested person. ICANN encourages broad participation in its bottom-up consensus-development process.

The meetings will be hosted by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGIBR) in representation of the Brazilian Internet Community. They will be held at the Hotel Sofitel Rio de Janeiro.

Pre-registration for attendees is available by filling out the form at <http://register.icann.org>.

Information relating to the meeting agenda and schedule is available on the ICANN website. The meeting website created by the local host has information about accommodations, the meeting rooms, visa procedures, vaccinations, sponsorship opportunities, and social events.

Press inquiries about the meeting should be directed to John Jeffrey.

Further details of the meeting will be announced as arrangements are finalized. If you have questions regarding the meeting please feel free to contact us by e-mail: <meeting@icann.org>