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Brussels Chosen for June 2010 Meeting

9 сентября 2009

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The Belgian capital of Brussels has been chosen to host ICANN’s 38th international public meeting in June 2010.

A number of excellent bids were received for the meeting, which is to be held in Europe following ICANN’s practice of geographically rotating meeting locations, but ultimately the bid put forward by the European Registry of Internet Domain Names (EURid), which runs the dot-eu registry, was chosen by the Board.

The full dates of the meeting will be Sunday 20 June to Friday 25 June 2010.

“ICANN looks forward to its first international public meeting in Belgium,” said Nick Tomasso, General Manager of Meetings for ICANN. “The organization has had an office in the city for a number of years so we’re delighted to be able to build on the contacts we have made during that time to ensure a successful and productive meeting.”

ICANN’s next meeting will be held in Seoul, Korea between 25-30 October, and then Nairobi, Kenya on 7-12 March 2010, before moving to Brussels.

More details on the Seoul meeting can be found at http://sel.icann.org