Comité consultatif du système des serveurs racine (RSSAC)

Le RSSAC est un groupe constitué d’opérateurs de serveurs racine et de spécialistes qui ont pour mission de fournir au Conseil d’administration et à la communauté de l’ICANN des analyses et des recommandations sur la gestion du système des serveurs racine de l’Internet.

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  • English

Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC)

About the RSSAC

The RSSAC advises the ICANN community and the Board on matters relating to the operation, administration, security, and integrity of the Root Server System. The RSSAC consists of representatives from the root server operator organizations and liaisons from the partner organizations involved in the technical and operational management of the root zone.

The RSSAC Caucus is composed of Domain Name System experts who have an interest in the RSS and who broaden the base of diverse technical expertise available for RSSAC work. The primary role of the RSSAC Caucus is to perform research and produce publications on topics relevant to the mission of the RSSAC.

How to Become Involved

Interested parties can apply for membership in the RSSAC Caucus by submitting a statement of interest to the RSSAC Caucus Membership Committee. In this statement of interest, RSSAC Caucus applicants should indicate their preferred work areas and relevant expertise. The Membership Committee considers the following points when reviewing applicants: knowledge of the Domain Name System (DNS), experience within the DNS community, and a commitment to participate.

Members of the RSSAC Caucus can serve as leaders who produce or contribute to documents. RSSAC Caucus members may also submit personal opinions about a document at any point in the process, and specifically once the document has been submitted to the RSSAC.