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Submissions for this Proceeding

Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems

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Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems Submission - Policy staff in support of the At-Large Community, At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)
31 October 2022

Submission Summary:

The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) and At-Large community appreciate the opportunity to submit comments on the Universal Acceptance (UA) Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems.

The ALAC believes that the Roadmap will highlight the issue of UA compliance within the registry and registrar communities, and will assist the community to achieve compliance. However, there are a few areas where the ALAC believes t...

Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems Submission - Dawson, Christian
31 October 2022

Submission Summary:

We believe that the effort undertaken in these reports is strong and good for both Registry & Registrar efforts around UA. 

Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems Submission - Internet Infrastructure Coalition
31 October 2022

Submission Summary:

The Internet Infrastructure Coalition is supportive of the great work being done with regards to Universal Acceptance and hopes that similar roadmaps will be built for other parts of the ecosystem, outside of the root zone.

Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems Submission - Cross-Community Working Party on ICANN and Human Rights (CCWP-HR)
31 October 2022

Submission Summary:

In August 2022, ICANN published the ICANN's Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems, requesting feedback from the community.

We welcome the work of ICANN to release the document in line with Workstream 2 Recommendations on ICANN Transparency. The roadmap provides a study that can serve as a proof of concept to ensure that there is a clear, consistent approach with clear procedures and requirements for ...

Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems Submission - RrSG
17 October 2022

Submission Summary:

The Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems.  The RrSG would like to thank ICANN org staff and third-party consultants for their considerable work involved in preparing and testing this universal acceptance (UA) roadmap.  

The RrSG reviewed the UA roadmap (including testing appendices...

Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems Submission - (RySG), Registries Stakeholder Group
17 October 2022

Submission Summary:

The Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the UA Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems and recognizes the amount of work by ICANN Staff and the consultants involved in developing this Roadmap and in executing the testing effort.  The RySG believes that the work would have benefitted from earlier consultation with a broader cross-section of CPH technologists and deeper collaboration ...

Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems Submission - ICANN Business Constituency (BC)
16 October 2022

Submission Summary:

The BC supports the Roadmap, with two further suggestions for testing plans.