Public Comment

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Name: Ephraim Percy Kenyanito
Date:31 Oct 2022
Affiliation: Cross-Community Working Party on ICANN and Human Rights (CCWP-HR)
Other Comments

Summary of Attachment

In August 2022, ICANN published the ICANN's Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems, requesting feedback from the community.

We welcome the work of ICANN to release the document in line with Workstream 2 Recommendations on ICANN Transparency. The roadmap provides a study that can serve as a proof of concept to ensure that there is a clear, consistent approach with clear procedures and requirements for Registrars to ensure universal acceptance in their infrastructure, systems, and applications. Our analysis shows that, primarily, the document is a good first step in ensuring that the Internet is more inclusive, especially for communities that use non-Roman scripts and people who do not speak English.

CCWP-HR implores ICANN to consider the comments and recommendations below, which would ensure that universal acceptance is implemented more closely with international law and best practices.

Summary of Submission

In August 2022, ICANN published the ICANN's Universal Acceptance Roadmap for Domain Name Registry and Registrar Systems, requesting feedback from the community.

We welcome the work of ICANN to release the document in line with Workstream 2 Recommendations on ICANN Transparency. The roadmap provides a study that can serve as a proof of concept to ensure that there is a clear, consistent approach with clear procedures and requirements for Registrars to ensure universal acceptance in their infrastructure, systems, and applications. Our analysis shows that, primarily, the document is a good first step in ensuring that the Internet is more inclusive, especially for communities that use non-Roman scripts and people who do not speak English.

CCWP-HR implores ICANN to consider the comments and recommendations below, which would ensure that universal acceptance is implemented more closely with international law and best practices.