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GNSO Council Opens Public Comment Forum for Top Level GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan

25 juin 2008

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At its 25 June 2008 meeting in Paris, France the GNSO Council voted to invite public comments on the 21 June 2008 version of the GNSO Improvements - Top Level Plan prepared by the GNSO Improvements Planning Team.

Document Summary:

This document proposes methods for beginning the work required to transition the GNSO to the type of organization ultimately recommended in the GNSO Improvements Report and focuses on process, operations, and collaboration with other ICANN entities. Before any methods can be put into practice, the plan will be reviewed by the GNSO Council and constituencies, approved by the GNSO Council, and submitted to the ICANN Board.

Deadline and How To Submit Comments:

You can read the full report here [PDF, 148K] and see a web page with more information about the overall GNSO Improvements process here:

Comments on the document are welcome via email to through 17 July 2008.

Access to the public comment forum from which comments can be posted can be found here:

An archive of all comments received will be publicly posted at