Participación Gubernamental y de las OIG

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Community Opportunities for Policy Contribution

This table provides information on public comment proceedings external to the ICANN organization, whether upcoming, ongoing, or past. These links to external public comment proceedings are for informational purposes only and provided in response to requests from the ICANN community. Community members are encouraged to:

  • Evaluate if they are eligible to participate in any of these processes.
  • Participate if they wish to do so.

ICANN understands that some within the ICANN community are interested in providing their own feedback directly to government or intergovernmental organizations’ consultations on issues that may be of interest to the ICANN community or relevant to ICANN’s mission. However, please note:

  • ICANN does not track community submissions to external public comment opportunities.
  • Inclusion on this list does not signify that ICANN has or will contribute to any individual proceeding, unless indicated otherwise.
  • ICANN’s contributions to external bodies can be found at this link.
  • The Community may not use these links to submit their input on ICANN’s behalf.

This list is for informational purposes only and is not an exhaustive list.

External Public Comment Proceedings Dates
The ITU Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet) is holding an open consultation on “the developmental aspects to strengthen the Internet.” Stakeholders’ perspectives are sought on the following:

  1. How relevant multilateral and multi-stakeholder processes, including but not limited to UN-based processes such as Summit of the Future, WSIS+20 and the IGF, could address aspects related to Internet development?
  2. What are the challenges and opportunities, good practices and favourable policy environments to strengthen the Internet, including in areas such as: fostering meaningful connectivity; equitable access for all; promoting a secure and resilient Internet; achieving universal access, the deployment of IPv6; using satellite communication to reach remote and underserved remote areas; ensuring services are affordable for people; promoting digital inclusion and skills; fostering multi-stakeholder participation and encouraging public and private sector investment in Internet infrastructure.
  3. How can we promote international multistakeholder cooperation on public policy issues that are focused on promoting the development aspects of the Internet?
Note, a physical consultation will be held in October 2024. Refer to the ITU link for more information.

ITU CWG-Internet Open Consultation Link:

Submission Form:
Deadline – 7 September 2024

The European Commission has launched a public consultation to collect feedback on the Draft Implementing Act under the Directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (NIS2 Directive).

The NIS2 Directive strengthens cybersecurity risk-management measures and streamlines incident reporting obligations for significant incidents affecting numerous operators and entities across the European Union (EU), including Domain Name System (DNS) service providers and top-level domain (TLD) name registries.

The Implementing Act aims to further specify the cases in which an incident shall be considered significant, in addition to laying down the technical and the methodological requirements of the cybersecurity risk management measures.

The Draft Implementing Act lays down the criteria that must be met for an incident to be considered significant, and further specifies those criteria with regard to DNS service providers and TLD name registries.

The Draft Implementing Act, along with the Annex detailing the requirements for cybersecurity risk management measures, are available here and are open for feedback until 25 July.

The European Commission will adopt the Implementing Act by 17 October 2024, which is the deadline for EU Member States to transpose the NIS2 Directive into national law.

Closes 25 July 2024
Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security is proposing to develop a Law on Personal Data Protection.

The opportunity to provide comment to this proposal, which is a preliminary step for lawmakers to develop the legislation, is here. The draft considerations is only available in Vietnamese.
Closing date – 1 April 2024
Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security is proposing to develop a Data Law.

The opportunity to provide comment to this proposal, which is a preliminary step for lawmakers to develop the legislation, is here. The draft considerations is only available in Vietnamese.
Closing date – 26 March 2024
The U.N. Commission of Science, Technology and Development (CSTD) launched a Questionnaire on the 20 year review of WSIS implementation. The questionnaire is open to all stakeholders.

Closing date – 31 March 2024
The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) is soliciting public opinion on the “Measures for the Management of Cybersecurity Incident Reporting (Draft for Comments)”. The public is welcomed to provide feedback through the Chinese Government Legal Information Network of the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China, or by sending an email to the CAC.

Closing date – 7 January 2024
European Commission “Call for evidence” on the review of the Regulation 1025/2012 on European standardization. The Regulation sets the legal basis and rules for the EU’s standardization policy and is currently under review. The Call seeks general feedback and a proper consultation is expected for Q3 2024.

ICANN has provided feedback concerning European standardization. The feedback is published at this link, which showcases ICANN’s contributions to external bodies.
1-29 September 2023
The Office of the U.N. Secretary General’s Envoy on Technology launched a public consultation for ideas and suggestions for the Global Digital Compact. The Global Digital Compact is the expected outcome of the Summit of the Future in 2024. Inputs should consider “How can we best ensure an “open, free and secure digital future for all”? What shared principles should be included in the Global Digital Compact? Which issues should be addressed in the Common Agenda report or others?”

ICANN has provided feedback concerning the GDC. The feedback is published at this link, which showcases ICANN’s contributions to external bodies.
June 2022 - April 2023

If you are aware of any such opportunities that are not currently included in our listing, we invite you to share them with our Government and IGO Engagement Team at