Blogs de la ICANN

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Your Input Needed: A New Step in ICANN Org’s Operating and Financial Planning

17 de junio de 2019
Por Susanna Bennett

As part of the development of ICANN’s Five-Year Operating and Financial Plan for the Fiscal Years 2021 to 2025, ICANN org has published two draft documents for public comment:

  • Financial Assumptions and Projections for the Development of FY2021–FY2025
    Operating & Financial Plan
  • Operating Initiatives for the Development of FY2021–FY2025 Operating & Financial Plan

Draft Financial Assumptions and Projections

This is a new step in the ICANN planning process that we hope gives the community earlier and more frequent opportunities to make their opinions known. When complete, the Operating and Financial Plan will enable ICANN org to define and demonstrate how it plans to carry out the ICANN Draft Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2021–2025.

The draft Financial Assumptions and Projections paper aims to define and document funding projections to be included in the five-year Financial Plan, which ICANN org will produce to support its 5-year Operating Plan. This paper illustrates ICANN org’s efforts in achieving Objective 5 of the FY21-FY25 Strategic Plan – “Ensure long term financial sustainability,” and directly Strategic Goal 5.2 “Develop reliable and predictable funding projections.”

We hope to receive feedback about any relevant topic or observations on this paper; specifically if the financial assumptions are appropriate, and suggestions for any additional assumptions ICANN org should consider in estimating funding projections for FY21-25.

Draft Operating Initiatives

In this public comment period, we hope to hear feedback from the community on whether the listed Operating Initiatives are the right ones to advance the objectives of the Strategic Plan, and whether the list of Operating Initiatives is complete or if any major initiatives are missing, in addition to any more holistic comments.

It is important to note that these Operating Initiatives are not a comprehensive list of ICANN org’s efforts. ICANN’s day-to-day operating activities will be detailed in the next version of this document, which will be posted for public comment in December 2019.

We welcome your feedback on all aspects of these documents and encourage you to participate. We look forward to your input.


Susanna Bennett

Susanna Bennett