Blogs de la ICANN

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Update from the AtLarge Advisory Committee

17 de mayo de 2007
Por Jacqueline Morris

Contenido disponible solo en los siguientes idiomas

  • English

this is a quick update on some of what has been going on in At Large in the last month.

It includes:

  • A requested issues report on domain tasting
  • New working groups
  • Translation of mailing lists

ALAC requests Issues Report on Domain Tasting

At-Large has now become the first advisory committee ever to request an Issues Report of the GNSO Council on an issue of policy.

The report is to be delivered to the GNSO Council by 24th May 2007.

The At-Large request was supported by other ICANN constituencies, thanks in large part to the hard work of ALAC GNSO Liaison Alan Greenberg. Having multiple constituencies supporting a request like this is very important to the next steps in the Policy Development Process. The supporting constituencies are:

Registry Constituency
Commercial and Business Constituency
Intellectual Property Constituency

For those of you who are not familiar with the process of which the request for an Issues Report is part, please review the Description of the GNSO and Policy Development Process documents available in 4 languages at:

AtLarge setting up working groups

In order to more effectively develop AtLarge positions on policy issues, we have started setting up Working Groups. The first will be on IDNs, and we are now looking for volunteers. Anyone interested can email staff [at]

ALAC mailing lists auto-translated

The At Large community now has automatic translations of the African and Latin American and Caribbean discussion mailing lists to allow for easier participation by non-English speakers. The service is provided by Funredes , but uses BabelFish (with SYSTRAN providing the actual engine behind BabelFish, as it does for Google’s translation system and also the European Union). Auto-translation isn’t perfect,but it is much better than nothing. This system was used by a lot of the groups in the WSIS.

That’s all for now – I will keep this blog updated with the AtLarge activities.You can also check the AtLarge wiki site to see work in progress at


Jacqueline Morris