Blogs de la ICANN

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Off to a Good Start…

16 de marzo de 2011
Por Jacqueline Morris

You wait all morning for a bus and then 3 of them come along together. Until about a week ago, NOT A SINGLE WOMAN had applied via the 2011 NomCom for a leadership position within ICANN. Now, we’re glad to say, two women have applied. That’s 2 out of 40, so not great odds still. And similar to last year’s final tally of 4 women applicants out of 82.

Why don’t more women apply? We know there are great women in the community, and I’m sure you all know other women who would be great leaders in ICANN. Please suggest them.

The redoubtable Karla Valente, along with Annalisa Roger, organized a DNS Women meeting sponsored by Nominet earlier this week at ICANN’s 40th Meeting in San Francisco. Vanda Scartezini exhorted the over 50 women present to consider applying via the NomCom. I’ve approached several people in San Francisco myself, including women colleagues, and hear through the grapevine that several more women intend to apply.

Women considering putting themselves forward for leadership positions should know what’s open this year:

  • GNSO Council, 2 seats
  • ccNSO Council, 1 seat
  • At-Large Advisory Council, 3 seats, but strictly one each from Africa, Asia/Australia/Pacific, and Latin America / Caribbean
  • Board of Directors, 2 seats

NomCom has extended the recommendation period to 22 March and encourages you to submit your recommendations to

Jacqueline Morris, Associate Chair, 2011 Nominating Committee


Jacqueline Morris