Blogs de la ICANN

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ICANN61 Confirmed for Puerto Rico

7 de diciembre de 2017
Por Nick Tomasso

The ICANN Meetings team recently visited Puerto Rico to assess the recovery progress made since Hurricane Maria, and are pleased to reconfirm San Juan as the location for ICANN61. The meeting will be held from 10-15 March 2018.

We recognize that Puerto Rico is still in the recovery phase, and while we can expect some minor inconveniences, the convention center and supporting hotels are fully operational and eager to host our event in March.

We have been assured that our presence in San Juan will support economic recovery on the island. We are grateful for the ongoing support Governor Ricardo Antonio Rosselló and his staff have offered to ensure a successful ICANN61.

We encourage anyone traveling to Puerto Rico from outside of the United States to review applicable visa requirements and apply as soon as possible if one is necessary. More information can be found at

Hotel booking links will be posted by 15 December 2017 at


Nick Tomasso