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ICANN52 Day 2: At-Large/ALAC Helps to Shape the Internet’s Future at ICANN 52

8 de febrero de 2015

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The At-Large community is an integral part of the Internet ecosystem as it represents the best interests of the individual Internet end-users. Given that the role of the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) shall be to consider and provide advice on the activities of ICANN, insofar as they relate to the interests of individual Internet users, the At-Large community helps shape the Internet's future.

ICANN 52, as with all ICANN meetings, provides the At-Large community to hold integral face-to-face discussions with our community and those of the other supporting organizations and advisory committees as well as with the ICANN Board.  Representatives from the At-Large community will hold 22 meetings during the 52nd ICANN Public Meeting scheduled to take place in Singapore 8th through 12th February 2015.

The members of the ALAC and the leaders of the Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs) will be implementing a new meeting strategy that focuses discussions on hot topics. Hot topics to be discussed in Singapore are the NTIA IANA Functions' Stewardship Transition and ICANN Accountability and Transparency issues. One of the reasons for this focus is to better promote understanding and trust among Internet end-users. This is both a validation and facilitation for the strengthening of ICANN's bottom-up, multistakeholder model within the Internet government ecosystem.

At-Large will also be discussing topics related to the Public Interest Commitments, the upcoming At-Large Review and the status of some of the recommendations made during the Second At-Large Summit held in London in June 2014.

A highlight for all will undoubtedly be the APRALO Showcase on the theme of "Celebrating Diversity" scheduled for Wednesday, 11th February between 18:30 and 21:00 in the VIP Room.  Speakers include Fadi Chehadé, ICANN President and CEO, Steve Crocker, Chairman of the Board of ICANN and Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Board Director selected by the ALAC and At-Large community. There will be music and a "Dikir Barat" performance by students from the Malaysian school "Sekolah Menengah Sains Kubang Pasu", a Chinese Calligraphy demonstration and light refreshments for all to enjoy. APRALO invites you to celebrate their diversity as well as the Chinese Lunar New Year!

ICANN 52 marks the first official meeting at which Alan Greenberg will serve as ALAC Chair. His ALAC Leadership Team and Liaisons met on Saturday, 6 February to plan the strategy for the ALAC's sessions in Singapore.

At-Large Meetings, including their time, location and agenda, are available on the At-Large ICANN 52 - February 2015 Workspace

One world. One Internet.


Heidi Ullrich

Heidi Ullrich

VP, Policy Development & At-Large Relations