Anuncios de la ICANN

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Responses to Mexico City Question Box Published

10 de abril de 2009

Además de estar disponible en los idiomas de la ICANN, este contenido también está disponible en

Responses to just under 100 questions asked through an online question box in February and March have been published today.

The question box went live two-and-a-half weeks prior to the start of ICANN's 34th international public meeting in Mexico City. Its aim is to give members of the community an opportunity to ask questions of ICANN's staff and Board without having to be physically present at the various public forum.

This approach facilitates both remote participation and increased participation from attendees who prefer not to address a room directly.

In total, 96 questions were asked through the question box. The three topics raised most frequently were: 1 - ICANN as an organization; 2 - Registrars and the RAA; and 3- The Applicant Guidebook and new gTLDs.

Today the staff posted responses to those questions. They can viewed at:

All those who asked questions will receive an email containing the link; the responses will also be published on the ICANN blog and on the Mexico City meeting website.

The question box process will be repeated at the Sydney meeting in June with a few changes and improvements derived from feedback received this time around.

If anyone has any questions or comments about the question box process or any of the answers given, please contact ICANN's general manager of public participation at