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DNSO Transfers and Whois Task Forces Post Interim Reports; Comments Invited

20 de octubre de 2002

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The DNSO Names Council Transfers and Whois Task Forces have posted Interim Reports and invited public comment on them:

Transfers Task Force

Interim Report posted here

This Interim Report is open for public comment from 16 October to 8 November 2002. Comments should be sent by e-mail to <>. Comments will be archived here.

Whois Task Force

Interim Report posted here

This Interim Report is open for public comment from 15 October to 8 November 2002. Comments should be sent by e-mail to <>. Comments will be archived here.

General Counsel's Briefing

The ICANN General Counsel has posted a briefing to the Names Council concerning implementation of policies by registrars and registry operators, which may also be of interest.