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Brussels Statement from the Accountability and Transparency Review Team

29 de junio de 2010

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The Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT) met with most of the constituent bodies within ICANN during the week of 20 June 2010 at the 38th ICANN meeting in Brussels, Belgium. The ATRT met with the ICANN Board and the GAC, as well as the GNSO Council, the ALAC, the ccNSO, and the stakeholder groups in the GNSO: the Non-Commercial Users SG, the Commercial SG, the Registries SG; and the Registrars SG. The ATRT also met with the ICANN community in a public forum. The team received useful feedback from across the community during this early phase of its data gathering activities. These sessions took place in an open, candid, and constructive environment. The ATRT takes specific note of the interest expressed by the community in the work of the ATRT and wishes to thank the community for its initial inputs, and in particular for its efforts to provide specific and concrete examples highlighting both successful and unsuccessful demonstrations of ICANN's accountability and transparency mechanisms.

The ATRT is in the process of engaging an Independent Expert to assist in certain data collection, analysis and review aspects of its work. Questions for public comment have also been posted and we look forward to receiving written responses to those questions and any other issues relevant to the work of the ATRT. A separate link to allow the Community to provide inputs and suggestions at any point during the ATRT review will be available soon at the ATRT site within the ICANN site.

The ATRT will continue to identify specific areas for possible review based on Community feedback and is structuring its work to develop useful and constructive recommendations for improvement to ICANN's decision-making and other processes as required by the Affirmation of Commitments.