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Accountability & Transparency Review – Community Feedback

9 de julio de 2010

Contenido disponible solo en los siguientes idiomas

  • English

Update: 13 July 2010

Per its Brussels statement, the Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT) now opens a public forum that will enable ‘the Community to provide inputs and suggestions at any point during the ATRT review’.

Please submit your comments to the public forum email address:

All comments sent to may be viewed at:

In addition to the forum, the Accountability and Transparency Review Team resolved to create a private email address where community Members could confidentially provide their input:

The ATRT also reiterates its wish to receive responses to their questions to the community - – and feedback on any other issues relevant to the work of the Review Team.

Please note that translations of the ATRT questions to the community (EN) are available:

العربية [PDF, 88 KB] Español [PDF, 60 KB] Français [PDF, 60 KB] Русский [PDF, 88 KB] 中文 [PDF, 104 KB]