Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC)

The RSSAC is a group of root server operators and specialists that provides insights and advice to the ICANN Board and community about the management of the Internet’s Root Server System.

RSSAC Caucus Work Parties

This page provides an overview of the work parties of the RSSAC Caucus, including a description of the effort and its current status.

For questions and concerns regarding any of the RSSAC Caucus work parties, please contact


Work parties consist of a work party leader; members who may contribute to, review, or observe the work; and an RSSAC shepherd. Staff support resources from the ICANN organization are available to assist the work party.


There are five stages to a work party:

Initiation: The RSSAC has approved the statement of work and appointed a shepherd. There is an open call for volunteers from the RSSAC Caucus.

Active: The work party is conducting its work and preparing its work product.

Inactive: The RSSAC has suspended the work party to evaluate its status.

Review: The work party has concluded its work, and the work product is under review by the RSSAC Caucus and/or the RSSAC.

Closed: The RSSAC has published the work product.

Listing of Work Parties

