Public Comment

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Submissions for this Proceeding

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET

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Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Pareja, Daniel
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

Reject the ICANN-Verisign agreement because it allows governmental expropriation of domain names.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Endsley, Arthur
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

The proposed changes to section 2.7(b)(ii)(5) are dangerous and undermine both the working order and free exchange of information on the public internet. The changes should be rejected.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Wyatt, George
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

Debate should absolutely be allowed before this is accepted.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - O`Leary, Daniel
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

Please allow for a public discussion on this horrible change at the ICANN77.

I myself find that any government can interfere with domain registration (2.7(b)(ii)(5)) without due process to be alarming in the least, and catastrophic as the norm. Do not allow for this to be accepted, or at the least the public comment period should be extended by at least an additional 2 months to allow discussion at ICANN77.

Due process i...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Concerned web user
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

The proposed changes regarding government seizure of .NET domains to this agreement, listed in Section 2.7 of Appendix 8 (pages 147-148), would allow governments to seize any .NET domain they choose. If they're included in the final agreement, it will open the door to malicious attacks from nations engaging in conflict.

Please do not include the changes to Section 2.7 of Appendix 8 (pages 147-148) in any new agreements and ex...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - chen, xinyu
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

Amendments to section 2.7(b)(ii) and 2.7(b)(ii)(5) need to be completely removed as it strips all freedom from registrars.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Vogelgesang, Josh
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

I urge that the proposal be abolished, and that ICANN and Verisign should simply renew the existing contract with absolutely no changes.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Unaffilated
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

Giving governments unchecked abilities to cancel, redirect, or transfer to their control applicable domain names is an outrageous and dangerous proposal that must be stopped, as it does not respect due process.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Lewinski, Larry
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

Amendments to section 2.7(b)(ii) and 2.7(b)(ii)(5) need to be completely removed as it strips all freedom from registrars.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Kosame, Shinri
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

Dear ICANN and Verisign,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the proposed changes to global domain name policy in the renewal of the .NET registry agreement. Specifically, the new text in 2.7(b)(ii)(5) that would allow any government in the world to cancel, redirect, or transfer to their control applicable domain names is deeply troubling.

Granting such power to governments, particularly those with a ...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Ashton Smith, Mark
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

This is a very dangerous, risky proposal that does not respect due process. It usurps the role of registrars, making governments go directly to Verisign (or any other registry that adopts similar language) to achieve anything they desired. It overturns more than two decades of global domain name policy.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Thompson, James
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

Expressing opposition to the overly broad language of proposed changes to Section 2.7 of Appendix 8 regarding agreements by registrants to accept unilateral confiscation of domains at the request of governments. Due process is not adequately protected against government agencies that have demonstrated a willingness to act in bad faith ways, or for policies adopted that violate international standards and expectations. No single entity, governm...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Griggs, Jeremy
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

This upends two decades worth of standards and policies. No government should be able to simply seize any domain name they wish. This policy should not be put into place.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Moss, Guy
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

Section 2.7 of Appendix 8, on pages 147-148 should be changed regarding allowing any government to cancel redirect or transfer any domain under this agreement.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Brust, Corwin
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

I urge the committee to reject this return to the wild-west days of internet land-grabs.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Malterre, Jeff
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

We've seen how corrupt governments can get and now you want to give them carte blanche over any/all domain names? This is probably the most absurd digital act of our generation. Why do they need this power? Answer: they don't. They already have TLD .gov!

Taking away anyone's domain name is extremely intrusive. It disrupts organic traffic that they've spent years building. You're not just taking a domain name you're takin...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Royall, joe
20 April 2023

Submission Summary:

This proposal should be terminated and not implemented. Allowing any country to seize domains and stop speech is outrageous and an affront to democracy.