Public Comment

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Submissions for this Proceeding

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET

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Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Domain Law Podcast
25 May 2023

Submission Summary:

I oppose the adoption of the proposed .net registry agreement. The proposed no-bid contract award to Verisign, complete with fee increases, indicates that ICANN's board has breached its fiduciary duty to the .net domain owners.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Cross-Community Working Party on ICANN and Human Rights (CCWP-HR)
25 May 2023

Submission Summary:

In Summary, we welcome ICANN’s decision to release the document in its entirety, in line with Workstream 2 Recommendations on ICANN Transparency.

We welcome the recommendations in the proposed Agreement, but call for amendments in two sections. First, we oppose the introduction of overbroad powers for Verisign to suspend or block registrants. Second, we urge ICANN to reconsider the abrupt 100% increase in domain prices and recommend that...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Namecheap, Inc.
25 May 2023

Submission Summary:

ICANN continues to approve large price cap increases in RAs for legacy gTLDs without incorporating public feedback, conducting market analysis, or providing rationale(s) why such items were not considered (or were considered but rejected). Namecheap is submitting this comment in the hopes that ICANN finally considers and incorporates the public's comments on matters which will impact every domain name registrant.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Policy staff in support of the At-Large Community, At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)
25 May 2023

Submission Summary:

The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) appreciates this opportunity to comment on the proposed renewal of the .NET registry agreement. The At-Large Community and the ALAC are supportive of the majority of updates to the .NET contract including provisions concerning RDAP; DNS Abuse mitigation commitments; and use, by ICANN, of the Bulk Registration Data Access (BRDA) for research.

We have recommendations related to the boundari...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - RrSG
25 May 2023

Submission Summary:

The RrSG welcomes the opportunity to provide this public comment, and again reiterates its request that ICANN be responsive to community feedback regarding registry agreements and that ICANN conduct a market analysis. Additional details are in the attached comment.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - ICANN Intellectual Property Constituency
25 May 2023

Submission Summary:

These comments are submitted by the Intellectual Property Constituency (“IPC”) and provide specific discussion of some issues of particular importance to IP rights holders, which include trade associations, large multi-national corporations, as well as small businesses and individuals. The proposed amendments, in the overall context, raise concerns for the IPC, and do not appear to take-into-account the need to embrace NIS2.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Palage, Michael
25 May 2023

Submission Summary:

Notwithstanding the inability of ICANN Org to mandate any changes to the existing .NET Registry Agreement (RA), the ICANN Community should be made aware of several concerns regarding the proposed .NET RA and the proposed recommendations that ICANN Org should take, including but not limited to the following:

- ICANN Org should publicly post a red-line of the proposed 2023 .NET RA against the Base RA;

- Accompanying this r...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - ICANN Business Constituency
25 May 2023

Submission Summary:

The BC generally supports the proposed renewal Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET, provided that ICANN and Verisign address questions and suggestions described in our attached comment.

The BC supports:

1. Registrant and user protections from the Base RA

2. Agreed restrictions on domain prices and vertical integration

The BC has questions and suggestions regarding:

3. Definitional limits on Sec...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Lambert, B
25 May 2023

Submission Summary:

Summary Position of this Comment: STRONG OPPOSITION ICANN and Verisign (VeriSign, Inc) are enmeshed in a collusive and toxic relationship. Please examine three weaknesses: 1) the no-bid monopoly: is inherently wrong & indefensible, 2) poor preparation for every contingency (we must develop redundancy backup operators), 3) failure to ease global accessibility and localization gaps and not building wider understanding of the IDN system. Ve...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Contrib, LLC
24 May 2023

Submission Summary:

ICANN and VERISIGN are abusing its power by lack of real, accountable and open actions with this no bid, no liability, perpetual agreement on the .net renewal. What started 25 years ago, now has many in the space with little confidence in the DNS and ROOT Zone system manage by ICANN. With such a monopoly and connected at the hip, ICANN and Verisign continue to show the market through one sided actions. Protecting the millions of URL owners ...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Lerman, Alex
24 May 2023

Submission Summary:

Verisign is currently making an excessive $131 million per year in "Service Fees" from domain name registrations. The Proposed Renewal Agreement allows Verisign to increase these fees to nearly $11 per domain and continue to raise them by 10% annually for six years, potentially reaching a staggering $232 million per year and over a billion dollars in total. ICANN has failed to justify these exorbitant fees and the need for annual increases.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Leap of Faith Financial Services Inc.
24 May 2023

Submission Summary:

The Board should reject the final proposed renewal agreement in its entirety. It is a product of regulatory capture of ICANN by the abusive monopolist Verisign.

We documented obvious errors and weaknesses in the agreement, including flawed language (possibly an inadvertent change) related to reserved names.

The RRA must be changed to incorporate the interests of registrants, include rights to due process, that are completely abse...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Internet Commerce Association
23 May 2023

Submission Summary:

Part I of the ICA's Comment covers the proposed registry Service Fees. Part II covers various other proposed revisions.

Verisign currently receives an estimated $130,944,000.00 in .net “Service Fees”, per year - an amount which approaches ICANN’s entire 2023 operational budget of $148 million. Based upon current registration volumes, by the end of the proposed six-year term Verisign will receive $17.56 per .net domain name per year,...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Reberry, Jeffrey
19 May 2023

Submission Summary:

ICANN has two options:

Option 1:  Heed the advice of the United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division and thousands of stakeholders who have called for ICANN to put TLD contracts out for competitive tender – and use the bidding process to ensure that domain registration fees are offered at reasonable price and terms guided by the forces of the competitive process.

Option 2: If ICANN is not will...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Yixi Bio
15 May 2023

Submission Summary:

We are objecting this renewal proposal due to the uncertainty of possible abuse and/or violation to human right (freedom of speech specifically), clearer definitions and articles on refined condition of removal request / objection request / removal process needs to be implanted.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Olorundare, James
13 May 2023

Submission Summary:

The proposed renewal of the .NET RA includes a number of important changes, including compliance with the RDAP Profile, sunset of certain requirements to provide Registration Data Directory Services (RDDS) via the WHOIS protocols, updated definitions for RDDS related terms, updated reporting requirements, Service Level Requirements for RDAP availability, round-trip time, and update time, and commitments related to combating DNS security threat...

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Liao, Weijian
05 May 2023

Submission Summary:

To whom it may concern,

I've strongly object to this .NET Registry Agreement Renewal due to the vagueness of processing highly potential conflicts, which will not only cause severe confusions but also make immeasurable damage to the whole Internet society.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - AmazonNIC
28 April 2023

Submission Summary:

Summary: Do not proceed with the proposal that would allow any government, country or territory, whether dictatorial or democratic, to cancel, transfer or take a domain for itself.

Also impose limitation on uncontrolled price increases.

Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET Submission - Wowk, Joshua
28 April 2023

Submission Summary:

If the proposed changes to this agreement are made & its renewed, we can rejoice in knowing, that as the world burned down around us, ICANN's voting members- if only for a short time -dutifully provided their masters with the one thing they ever truly longed for, the only thing that's ever mattered in this world: shareholder value!

We'll just replace you all, replace ICANN, if we need to. Mostly a bloated moneysuck anyway...