ICANN Acronyms and Terms

ICANN has hundreds of acronyms and terms, which can be confusing. We created this multilingual tool to help explain what these terms mean and facilitate your work within the ICANN community.

Term of the Day

ICANN Acronyms and Terms

Type in the acronym or term you are looking for in the Search bar below.
In addition to English, translated versions of acronyms and terms are also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish. Links for each language are located in the top right of the page.
Click the first letter of the term you are looking for to search alphabetically.


  • Naming Services portal

    An online service available through the ICANN website that provides a central location for contracted parties (e.g., contracted registry operators and accredited registrars) to conduct business with the ICANN organization. The portal helps streamline operational processes and is customized with community-requested features such as case tracking, multiuser company access, and structured workflows. Users of the portal can ask questions, submit information, and request approvals through the portal.