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The Internet Governance Forum-USA Needs Your Help!

13 April 2016
By and David Vyorst

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The power of the multistakeholder model lies in the ideas that come from its participants. Now, stakeholders in the U.S. have the chance to have their voices and ideas heard as they shape the programming of the 2016 Internet Governance Forum-USA (IGF-USA).

The 2016 IGF-USA will take place on 14 July in Washington, D.C., at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. In order to have an IGF-USA that best represents the interests of the community, the IGF-USA planning committee is asking U.S.-based stakeholders to take a brief survey about the subjects they would like to see covered this year. Completing this survey helps ensure that the issues you care about are covered in the program.

The survey can be taken at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MGMBBT2. It will remain open until 18 April.

The IGF-USA is a multistakeholder effort to illuminate issues and cultivate constructive discussions about the future of the Internet. It provides a forum for U.S. stakeholders to engage civil society, government, technologists, research scientists, industry and academia. It helps to create partnerships, coalitions and dialogues that demonstrate best practices and help move policy forward.

Regional and national IGF meetings are taking place all around the world. While these events are organized on a local level and have no formal ties to the global IGF, the United Nations' IGF Secretariat recognizes the importance of these regional and national events, and reports from these meetings are shared at the international gatherings.

For more information about the IGF-USA, please visit www.igf-usa.org/.

David Vyorst is Co-Chair, IGF-USA and Executive Director, Greater Washington DC Chapter of the Internet Society

Joe Catapano is Program Manager, ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement, North America


David Vyorst

Joe Catapano

Joe Catapano

Stakeholder Engagement Director - North America & Global Academia