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Tec Monterrey and the Fourth LAC DNS Forum

12 December 2017

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Some say the key to sustainable development is the knowledge economy. A place that exemplifies this idea in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region is Monterrey, Mexico. The city is home to the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education – also known as Tec. This educational leader promotes knowledge, from creation to application, for the whole scientific spectrum. One area is Internet services, and it is not by chance that NIC.mx is proudly located in Monterrey.

On 16 November, we had the privilege to visit Monterrey to run the Fourth LAC Domain Name System (DNS) Forum, hosted by NIC.mx. ICANN supported the forum, along with the Latin American and Caribbean ccTLDs Organization (LACTLD), the Latin American and Caribbean Address Registry (LACNIC), the Internet Society (ISOC), and the Public Interest Registry (PIR). We engaged with the local community by including the forum in the Monterrey's Entrepreneurship Festival incmty.com, a yearly gathering for technology professionals, startups, investors, and researchers.

Our partners organized the agenda around four pillars:

  • DNS ecosystem and market trends
  • Domain name usage best practices
  • DNS security
  • Entrepreneurship in the Internet

This approach was a success, with attendees lining up before each session to get seats, and asking well-informed questions in the discussions.

You can review the program on the LAC DNS Forum's permanent website (yes, great news!), prepared as a courtesy by NIC.mx. Also, take some time to watch our video recordings and download presentations from the YouTube channel.

Many thanks to our Board Members; ICANN’s Global Domains Division (GDD) and Security, Stability, and Resiliency (SSR) team; community members; and business leaders for helping to deliver a memorable LAC DNS Forum. We’d like to extend a special thank you to Monterrey Tec for the warm welcome and for the opportunity to share ideas for an innovative and secure DNS environment. We learned a lot with all of you and look for your participation in the 2018 LAC DNS Forum.


Daniel Fink

Daniel Fink

Stakeholder Engagement Director - Brazil