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Public Responsibility Framework

31 January 2014
By Nii Quaynor

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Since the ICANN 48 public meeting in Buenos Aires at the end of November, staff on the Public Responsibility Framework Strategy Panel have been busy compiling a working document for panel members. This document includes high-level internal and external research and serves as a summary of the issues raised during ICANN 48, as well as a review of current ICANN programing, and explores different approaches to frameworks for approaching public responsibility.

The community discussion at ICANN 48 was extremely important in guiding the panel so far, and highlights the value and necessity of the multistakeholder approach for ICANN. This discussion resulted in a number of requests that staff has compiled and researched to guide the panel’s progress.

It also became apparent that there was a need to explore what activities ICANN currently carries out that could potentially fall under “public responsibility”. Staff reviewed the work carried out by ICANN across the organization and compiled a comprehensive inventory detailing the approaches and programs being undertaken across the different departments.

The panelists have been discussing and editing the working document so that it may be used as a guide for the final framework report. While ICANN already carries out a number of programs and projects that address public responsibility, the framework will be key in ensuring that ICANN is fulfilling its responsibility to the public interest in the most efficient and impactful way possible.

With a draft of the framework set to be posted for public comment, I am looking forward to continuing work with the panel members to ensure that this important framework strategy is comprehensive, far-reaching, and world-class.


Nii Quaynor