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Preview of ICANN74 Participation Metrics

17 June 2022
By Nick Tomasso

Thank you to all who contributed to making the ICANN74 Policy Forum a success for both in-person and virtual participants. Our first hybrid meeting in more than two years attracted 1,817 attendees from 101 countries and territories—917 in person and 900 remotely.

Guided by our commitment to provide equal opportunities for all to meaningfully engage in ICANN74, and with the health and safety of the ICANN community as our top priority, we made it possible for community members to participate in whichever manner they preferred. We achieved this by applying the lessons learned from previous virtual meetings to the hybrid format debuted at ICANN74.

Several measures helped make the hybrid ICANN74 Policy Forum a success:

  • We kept the highest health and safety standards to provide the safest environment possible onsite.
  • We allocated multiple meeting rooms per session to ensure an opportunity for all in-person attendees to participate while maintaining physical distancing requirements.
  • We added up to four staff Participation Managers per session to provide equal support for onsite and remote attendees.

ICANN74 Statistics

Here is a preview of the regional breakdown of in-person participants:

  • Africa – 73 (8%)
  • Asia, Australia, and Pacific Islands – 113 (12%)
  • Europe – 415 (45%)
  • Latin America and the Caribbean – 54 (6%)
  • North America – 262 (29%)

The full ICANN74 By the Numbers Report, which will include more in-depth statistics, will be released within a few weeks.

If you missed anything during ICANN74, session recordings and transcripts will be available on the ICANN74 meeting website.

ICANN74 Feedback

We want to hear from the participants about their experience during ICANN74. Comments can be emailed to icann74feedback@icann.org. In the coming days, participants who have opted-in to receive notices from ICANN will receive an ICANN74 survey to share additional feedback and help us improve future meetings.

Preparations for ICANN75

With ICANN74 behind us, we now turn our attention to ICANN75 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We remain committed to providing an inclusive meeting experience for all participants at ICANN75 and will share more details about the meeting in the coming weeks.


Nick Tomasso