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"L" root server copy installation in Venezuela: Interview with Gregorio Manzano (i)

5 March 2015

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Photo: Gregorio Manzano.

"For ICANN, expanding the footprint of L -Root Server copies around the world is of great importance so as to contribute to Internet's global stability. Having a copy in Venezuela increases this coverage, and contributes to the diversification of places where we now have hosts. Certainly for Venezuela, we are convinced that this will significantly reduce the response time to resolve queries to the DNS root zone, enhancing Internet experience for users and, of course, strengthening Internet's critical infrastructure in Venezuela and in the Latin American and Caribbean Region. Working with Venezuelans and our team for the region, and making this a reality was a great experience".

Terry Manderson, Director DNS Engineering Team, ICANN

How many root servers (ii) are there in the world and what is the relevance of the copies?

There are thirteen original DNS servers worldwide, and they are all part of the basic global Internet infrastructure. In our region, the installation of copies of a Domain Name System (DNS, as per its acronym in English) root server improves the direct connection of users and service providers, and strengthens the security, stability and resiliency of Internet in that part world.

Why did the REACCIUN National Academic Network consider relevant to host a copy of the L -Root Server in Venezuela?

The Venezuelan National Academic Network (REACCIUN) seeks to contribute to the strengthening of the name resolution service (DNS) in Venezuela and in the region, by installing a copy of the L- root server, along with a copy of the F- root server, and the positioning of NIC Venezuela for the management of the ccTLD .ve. These services show REACCIUN's high reliability, and its permanent commitment to ensuring high stability and quality levels of the Internet service in Venezuela.

What is its potential for replication?

The region is already working in this direction, through the replication of this experience to national networks (CANTV, Netuno, BT and level3), commercial Internet and advanced networks (CLARA Network).

Can you describe the experience of working with ICANN to make this happen?

L-ROOT installation in conjunction with ICANN represented one of the most ambitious projects for REACCIUN, which was materialized thanks to the extensive technical expertise of the telecommunications and networks staff from CENIT and CNTI, as well as the diligent management of senior executives who realized its execution thanks to the signing of the Agreement. Undoubtedly, this installation has been an excellent and enriching experience, and it is the beginning of futures and challenging projects between REACCIUN and ICANN.

  1. Gregorio Manzano is a professional pioneer in Venezuela's connection to Internet, and the establishment of national peerings, with 20 years of experience in the management, and design of Internet access infrastructures. He has also studied Computing Science, Administration, and Telecommunications, at the Loero Rodolfo Arismendi Institute, Simón Rodríguez University, Simon Bolivar University, and he carried out internships in France Telecom - Sofrecom. He has participated in different areas in the framework of LACNIC, LACNOG, ISOC, LACIGF and IETF. Since 2007, he has been responsible for managing the telecommunications services of the Venezuelan National Academic Network, REACCIUN, with which he has gained 13 years of experience. Between 2000 and 2007, he served as IP Operations Supervisor at NETUNO. Gregory has participated in various national initiatives for the creation of the Internet Exchange Point, the establishment of regional peerings, good use of networks, the debate on Internet Governance, and IPv6 deployment in Venezuela.

  2. As per the ICANN glossary, Root servers contain the IP addresses of all the TLD registries of global records, such as com, org, etc., and the 244 specific records of each country, such as .fr (France), .cn (China), etc. This information is critical. If information is not fully correct, or is ambiguous, a key record in Internet may not be located. In the DNS language, the information must be unique and authentic.


Alex Dans

Alex Dans

Communications Director, the Americas